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Make yourself at home, browsing the gallery. Visit the gift shop. Stay in touch with family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues via these unique pictorial cards. They are blank inside, giving you the freedom to compose your own message. The cards may be ordered in two sizes, Artist Cards 8½"x5½", and Grace Notes, 5½"x4¼". Although many of the illustrations of the artwork are presented with borders on the website, the cards are printed sans borders. The ample size of the Artist Cards accommodates enclosures, a newsletter, a business proposal, etc., and the cards are suitable for framing and display. The more standard-sized Grace Notes are perfect for short notes to keep in touch with friends, say thank you, or recognize a special occasion. Artist Cards come with envelopes and are printed on either glossy or matte paper; Grace Notes are ivory colored with matching envelopes. So, maximize your impact, streamline your message, convey more than words can say with  these, beautiful, colorful, original art cards.